Friday, April 15, 2011

Getting Started with Spock and Groovy

This screencast demonstrates how to create Spock testing specifications. It covers creating basic when/then blocks, given/when/then blocks, expect/where blocks, and data tables. It explains how to create Spock file templates and Spock Live Templates for IDEA.

If there are any playback issues then you might try watching it from the site.

Here are some useful links to read for this webcast:

To work with Spock, I use one file template and three live templates.

My file template creates a Spock Specification with the correct java package and javadoc:

idea file template

The text of the template is:

#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end

import spock.lang.Specification

class ${NAME} extends Specification {


My first Live Template is the when-then template:

when then

The text of the template is:

def "$NAME$"() {


The second template is the given/when/then template:

given when then template

The text of the template is:

def "$NAME$"() {

// TODO: add when


The last template is the expect/where template:

The text of the template is:

def "$NAME$"() {

// TODO add where block

I've made a lot of screencasts and blog posts over the years. If you like this, then there are many ways to see the other stuff I've done:

Phew, that's a lot of self-promotion :)

Thanks for watching, and leave a comment!

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